Thursday, October 18, 2012
A Reminder
Ok so our camping trip was a reminder that there is a lot of work to be done with Frosty. He defiantly put his guarde dog on. Positive reinforcement will for sure always be my method. I really like and agree with a lot of what Victoria Stilwell says on training your dog with positive reinforcement. I plan to watch at least one training video a day and spend at least 15 minutes (for starters) a day with Frosty. I too want to start taking him with us places more to get use to a lot of differen't people and situations. I was not sure I wanted to do that because he does get guard dog like and I don't want him to act like that around others but I think it will help him get better. I won't be taking him out as a "service dog" but as our pet and companion in training. Again I must stress as I have in other posts is I will not be bringing him around as a service dog at least not until he is fully trained and has 0 aggression. Before I ever really even weigh that possiblity. For now he is a diabetic alert dog IN TRAINING, pet/companion for my little man and simply a superb dog :) I hope to get better at posting more often and I thank you for stopping by....
Simply Superb Dogs
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Frosty Goes Camping
I wish I could say our camping trip was a great success with Frosty. I really exspected him to do a lot better. He very much had his guard dog on. Barking and such at famlies around us and at another dog. He was pretty much good and quiet in the tent but when out, attack mode. A reminder that we really MUST work with him every single day. A reminder that things don't just happen over night that they take time and work. These dogs are worth the work and time, when we got home he alerted to some high BG's that my little man had. He put his sweet attentive dog on and does this often.
Since there is still much work to be done he does NOT have the title of a service dog. I need at least two good years with him before I can even see if he can have that title. Though I can say he is a diabetic alert dog because he does alert to high and low bg's. Even so there is still need of work in that area as well.
So got to come up with a plan. Maybe watch a training video every day. Take Frosy out to friends and family more. Continue to focus on turn off the guard dog in him if that is possible. There is other work to be done in training in obediance and such. But this is the greatest need so this is where my focus is.
A good thing is often a hard road, we must learn to persevere so thanks for stopping by Simply Superb Dogs as I hang on, continue to move forward and grow and learn with Frosty the Snow Dog.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Frosty Finding his "Place"
We have been focusing on teaching Frosty "place" or as my little man says base :) This way I can have him stay in his spot when needed. When there is food around, when someone knocks on the door, when he needs time out so on and so forth. Also this will be very helpful when we go out somewhere.
Here is Frosty finding his "place" :) He is getting better and better.
He is learning to wait as well. Good job Frosty the Snow Dog!
Thanks for stopping by Simply Superb Dogs hope you come again.
Monday, September 3, 2012
A Boat With Four Legs :)
Several days ago it was those hopeless feeling kind of days. To much focus on the negative and not enough on the positive. Anyway I went to let Frosty in from being outside. He did his usual dash for the little man and checked on him. Frosty came running in where I was. Jumped up on me several times. I said, "Do we need to check?" He jump on me a few more times then ran for the little man as I followed. I went to the little man he was playing his DS. I touched his hands and they were sweating. Then I went for the meter as Frosty stayed close by and jumping up. I checked the little man, his BG was was 63!!! I had checked him not that long ago and BG was great so would not have checked him again so soon if it weren't for Frosty. I was so excited that was such a clear alert and right on. Gave the little man a snack and treated Frosty and gave them both much loving!!! Then thanked G-d, I was reminded of how great our G-d is and the hope we have in HIM and the many tools HE uses to help us along the way to tell us HE is with us and is listening. HE is our provider, our protector, our shelter in every storm. Watch for a boat that HE will surely bring, you never know it might have four legs ;)
Sunday, August 12, 2012
High BG's and Guard Dog Elavation
As I have written before unfortunately there are times Frosty has his guard dog on. This seems to be elevated when food is around (which is really bad for a service dog) so I am doing some things to turn that around which I will share in future posts. I am also finding that it seems that his guard dog tendencies seem to be elevated when my son blood glucose level are high. This morning he put his guard dog on as I walked toward the little man so I went and got the meter and he calmed down as I checked his BG. My sons BG was 400!! I am going to check his BG in 30 minutes to see if it has gone down because he has already been given insulin and his BG's are elevated. Making sure it goes down and that we don't have bad insulin. Anyway I am finding more and more that when Frosty gets his guard on and there is no food around the little man BG's are high. I will be looking at that more closely and will work towards teaching him to channel that energy elsewhere to alert me. He does calm down when I pick up the meter and go to check my sons BG's. He never discourages me from checking my sons BG's and wags his tell with excitement as I check him, that is awesome!!! Frosty the Snow Dog is so very attentive to my son this shows me he really is perfect for his job. Even so he is not without negative behavior that needs to be worked on consistently with positive reinforcement. That is all for now thanks for stopping by.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Thinking about titles "Service Dog" etc, etc...
On this journey I think about the titles "service dog" , "diabetic alert dog" and "superb dog". Is Frosty at this very moment all three of these? I would say yes and no. Since he is an adult dog and has that big dog inside a little dog... (guard attitude)sometimes, and I have only had him for a couple of months, he is not "service dog" in PUBLIC ready yet. I will take him to as many "dogs allowed" events at this time to get him use to many area's and situations. I do not want to mistakenly and prematurly give him that "service dog" title and give the "service dog" world a bad image or more struggles. There are times that people give people with "service dogs" such a hassle I do not want to add to that. So I plan to have Frosty fully trained before I go out into the public as a "service dog" I could take him out as a "service dog" because he is helping my son and a service to us in catching those BG's but I know for us and our dog personally he is not ready for that title. If your seeking to train your dog to be a service dog be sure to educate yourself, find support from those with experience and get some professional guidance. I do see Frosty as a "Diabetic Alert Dog" in training. He does alert me to high and low blood glucose levels from time to time. This is my greatest need is for him to alert me in my home especially in the middle of the night. Our dog from the shelter is already doing that already accomplishing his greatest purpose. A "superb dog" yep Frosty is that...everything rolled up into one. As he alerts me and looks after my son and learns obedience he IS Simply a Superb Dog :) All is a working progress as we learn and grow together. Hope you journey along with us you can also follow us on FB Simply Superb Dogs and be sure to Have a simply superb day :)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Missing D.A.D.'s
Had a scare yesterday. I couldn't find Frosty and saw that the back door was wide open. My other dog lets herself in and she forgets to shut the door LOL (need to teach her that one :) Anyway I called and called for her in the back. Frosty is so little he can get through small spaces. I called for him looked all around and could not find him. I drove around..still no Frosty. Prayed and prayed that I would find him. Went to the back again and no Frosty. So I went back in the house got my shoes on and thought I would look down the alley opened the back door and there was our Frosty!! So glad he is not gone...was so worried that another precious D.A.D. was taken from us.
Speaking of precious D.A.D.'s... Shiloh our D.A.D. that we got from an organization that we no longer have(they took her back they say because of breach of contract), turned a year old this month. Happy Belated Birthday Shiloh where ever you are....We miss and love you so much!!!!!
Shiloh resting at my Moms house right before it was time to meet with the trainer...right before they took her away.
When we first got our precious Shiloh and our visit to the fire station.
It is amazing she once was that little :)
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The Great Blood Glucose Catcher Strikes Again
Frosty the Snow Dog the great BG catcher strikes again...Not once but twice in a row. This morning Frosty comes to me then back to the little man licking him then back to me like check my boy. I check him he was low with a 69...Great catch!! Juiced the little guy then went about my business. Frosty again came up to me and then ran to my 17 year old son who was sleeping. Jumped on top of him and started licking his face. I had him check, BG high! Correction made....Great catches Frosty!!
Thanks for stopping by Simply Superb Dogs...please be sure to visit and "like" our FB page
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Attentive D.A.D. in Training
More training for Frosty...moving on to more basic training and focusing on "Leave it", "come" while outside, and would like to take Frosty's "guard the little man" mode down a notch. His siblings at times can hardly get near him just to pick something up without Frosty putting his big guard dog on. LOL Nope Frosty is NOT perfect but he is perfect for my little man. Even though I think it is very interesting the Frosty wants to guard my 4 year old diabetic son it is not a good thing for the rest of the family so we will need to work on that. What is cool though is that Frosty always runs to my four year old when I go to check his blood glucose. He allows me to do it and just sits and watches. I did not train him to do this he just does it, really amazing. He also comes running when I come to give him his shot. Though at shot time I do have to say wait and keep him away. He may NOT be the perfect "service dog" (due to some aggressiveness) at the time but he is the perfect diabetic alert dog because is always right there for my son and is so attentive to him. Thanking G-d for our Simply Superb Dog an attentive D.A.D. in training.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Diabetic Alert Dogs Organization...Pretty Wrapping Open and Revealed
After scary lows in the middle of the night and the candle that often gets passed around on FB so heart wrenching to the D world another D child passed. I was determined to get a Diabetic Alert Dog in my home. I have two children with type 1 diabetes and had enough close calls and scares it was time for help...another tool to manage and keep my children safe a four legged friend could it be a G-d send?! Those night lows are one of the greatest scares because one can slip into Diabetic coma so quickly without any warning...slip right into diabetic coma while we all are sleeping. I needed some since of security for my children some life saving help and support. So the venture began....
I saw that a well advertised organization had diabetic alert dogs that seemed to be changing and well, saving lives. An organization that said they truly cared and wanted to help. Though in order to get a D.A.D. one would have to pay up to $20,000!!! It seemed untouchable at first then you learned that you can do fund raising and that they would help, that us low income people was no problem. We could easily reach the money needed. I started seeing a few other organization and looked into it a bit. Talked with people who had a D.A.D or was getting one. The well advertised organization was wrapped in such pretty paper with a gorgeous bow with all there advertisements and talk of how great their D.A.D.'s were how they saved lives. I talked with the head guy and decided the pretty packaged (the one with all the promises that was getting heard in the media) organization I would go with.
I did hear a little talk of self training but people said that wasn't doable. I believed there was no way I could do it myself and heard so little of people doing it themselves, not a lot of advertisements.
So the fund-raising began....all I needed was $1,000 to secure a D.A.D. My Uncle graciously donated enough to secure that pup. He knew what it meant to me and was willing and able to help out in such a gracious way. I will always be so grateful for his help. Unfortunately though my great expectations of a better future with a " organization" D.A.D. to keep my guys safe would take a drastic turn. The beautiful package would eventually be opened to reveal what this organization was really made of. Now that we were getting a D.A.D. a name was picked...Shiloh would be his name...a name that represented peace. Peace is what was coming with this four legged friend, peace through the night...a life savour,a guardian angel. A D.A.D was delivered sooner than I expected unlike some of the others. I also raised funds much slower than many of the others. But the arrival day had come....and from that day on it was as if they were looking for a reason to take our D.A.D. back. Though it wasn't until 6 months later that they did just that. During that time I learned this contract meant they still owned Shiloh and not only Shiloh but us too. Lots of details in the contract that you must meet and follow. Specific dog food, how many times taken out, extra dog training outside of theirs to "socialize" them the list goes on... Very little wiggle room where one could say oh your not doing enough. Not only was I doing everything I could to meet the needs of my family but I too now had to meet their contract needs and was doing everything I could to do that No longer was the D.A.D. that we held so deer who was to be our guardian angel at our service but we were at the organizations service. After having Shiloh for 6 months they decided to take her back. I won't go into that horrible day now...Except to say that one good thing is that I was released from being owned by them and a new journey began
G-d can bring good out of every situation and we can learn from it all. If I didn't go through the experiences I went through I would never have learned about self training with the perspective that I have now. Yes self training I found that you CAN do it. There are many doing it themselves (though with some help) without putting $20,000 to it and ARE getting just as good of results!! So now I went the not so pretty package route. NOT always is it the packages with all the pretty paper the ones with the better gift but this time it was the unattractive wrapping I decided to go with a torn up package, no bow, a package that went through the wringer if you will....self training and a dog shelter is where I headed this time around. So many dogs already need a home so many dogs lives are being taken away. So many dogs that have so much potential if someone would just give them a chance. So off I went got my son a dog from the shelter. When I took him home and this package was revealed I am so AMAZED how attentive he is to my 4 year old diabetic son...To G-d be the glory!!! This package doesn't have a prong collar around my own neck telling me where to go and what to do. I have a say...if I want him to just to alert me at home I can or if I want him to go places with us we can. I get to choose what food he eats, I can choose from many different trainers ideas and not have to follow just one perspective. If I don't agree with one of the training methods I don't have to do it. After my experience I know that by "self training" I don't have to work any harder than I did with an organization. Much work of training had to be done by me personally just like I will now. The beauty that is inside this package is I have more choices I am released from the prong and now I can run free to meet what my individual sons needs are and allow G-d to move in our lives all the more... I can serve G-d and NOT man. There is more room for growth for me and my sons D.A.D in training...and for a potentially life savour we too can return the favour by potentially saving his life because we took him out of a shelter. I hope you will continue to follow our journey and hopefully learn and grow with us through the ups and the downs. "Self Training" and shelter dogs what a wonderful gift!! Although Shiloh is a wonderful D.A.D. (apart from the organization)I have found that not all pretty wrapped packages come with the greatest gift. We love an miss Shiloh and if I think of her to much tears will follow so I choose not to. We don't have another Shiloh but we do have another D.A.D. in training to help keep my boys safe. I miss Shiloh and so does my 4 year old but I do NOT miss that organization!!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Diabetic Alert Dog to Be
We are at the beginning stages of training my sons dog that we got from the shelter to be a diabetic alert dog. He is already such a loyal dog to my 4 year old and attentive to him. And now the first great catch...In the middle of the night Frosty alerted me. I woke up to a little dog standing on my chest and starring at me. So I then checked my four year old BG. It was 76. Great catch Frosty!! Since we are in our very beginning stages of scent training I am not sure he was alerting me though that was great timing!! I snacked my son, treated Frosty and we all went back to sleep. G-d always provides...G-d is good!!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012
Basic Training with Frosty
We have had Frosty two weeks today. First couple of weeks was really just getting to know Frosty and bonding with him. So far he love, love, loves my 4 year old son. Exactly what we wanted. He is pretty well potty trained and knows the command "NO". He comes when you call his name when in the house....when outside, only when he wants. I am working on that one.
I am starting the scent training and getting Frosty to use his sniffer. Also collecting low blood sugar samples to work with and getting him involved with the BG check and familiar with my sons different scents. and BG levels mainly the low ones. You can learn a lot here,8071,8155
We also need to work on simple commands like. Sit, come (when outside and with distractions)paw. Must work on this several times through out the day. Also need to work more on getting Frosty and Little Bear to become friends. Right now they are fighting over who is the more dominate.
The simple command "sit" is not as easy for Frosty unlike most other dogs. Though I know he will get there. I am wanting to push that little rear down but I am reading not to do that. He has got to do it on his own.
Basic commands are important or beneficial for all our dogs. Whether service dog or not. You are spending more time with them and building a positive relationship (learning to communicate) with them when done in a positive way and can help keep them from many of those unwanted behaviors. For Frosty I want him to recognize a low blood sugar scent and that it is not good and to alert me to that. Knowing simple commands will help him do his job well.
I am including him in family and friend activities to expose her to people, other animals and different surroundings, where she is comfortable and use to it. Once she starts alerting it will really good to have her around as much as possible. Even though my main focus will be night time alerts.
Frosty did well with us on Memorial Day get together with lots of people and even around another puppy. He also did well at my Mother and Father in laws house. And became friends with there dog.
Frosty is apart of the family and has fit in so quickly...a God send! When someone shuts a door on you God can open another.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you come again. Have a PAWriffic day :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Protective of His Little Man
So we are now getting to know my little man's Frosty the Snow Dog :) more and more each day. I have found that the two of them already have a very strong bond. Frosty follows my little man around. If my son goes outside to play he will whine at the door. So cute to see, love the bonding though we also have come to some challenges if I want to make him a service dog.Frosty seems to be a bit protective. Which is NOT a good thing for a service dog. We would need to get where we see no signs of that in order to take him around everywhere. Or limit his working (alerting) for home and at friends and family only. Don't know we shall see about all that. Anyway so Frosty showed some strange behaviour yesterday. We had a box of diet cokes that was just brought in and set by the door. My 4 year old son sat on the couch by the door. Our sweet little Frosty became a viscous boss of the soda's. When my older son went to pull a soda out of the box Frosty was at attack mode. Then my daughter tried, again attack mode, then I went for one and again attack mode. Now my four year old had to be the one each time to give us our soda's LOL I guess my 4 year old and Frosty was the keeper of the soda's. I couldn't help but laugh at this strange behaviour LOL. Though this is an eye opener to a challenge. Oh also yesterday my husband went to tickle my 4 year old and Frosty would not allow none of that either. So little Frosty is very protective of his little man.
That is all for today...hope you continue to journey along with us as we train Frosty to be a diabetic alert dog come back and see where this journey takes us.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Frosty The Snow Dog
We brought home our Maltese mix on Thursday. I gave my four year old full range in naming him. His name is Frosty the Snow Dog :) So far things are going great. I have set my alarm on my phone to go off every 2hrs. to give him a potty break. He is either potty trained or this is working real well or both :)
Training at the moment is just keeping up with the potty breaks and introducing Frosty to my other two dogs and bonding with my 4 year old son. So far all is going well...thank you LORD!!
The bond between my son and Frosty is awesome they both are really taken a liken to each other. Frosty follows my son from living room to kitchen and where ever he goes even tries to follow him to the bathroom LOL. I am ecstatic to see this instant bond!! We really did find our match!! I am excited about getting the scent training is the middle of the night lows that is my greatest concern and my biggest need for a D.A.D.
So glad we rescued Frosty from the shelter and really help another dog as well because now there is another space for a dog. When the shelter gets full that is when they start putting dogs under. Remember if you are looking to get a dog or cat to check out your local shelter. Frosty was fixed right before I got him and got his shots like the rabbi's shot, and got a microchip, etc. They said they did a flea treatment though I am still seeing some on him. I know how that goes, it takes time for all fleas and new hatched fleas to die and must get continued treatment, As this is what my other dogs get...always continued treatment especially through the spring and summer months. I have to wait a couple of weeks, they told me, before I give him a bath because he just was fixed and that must have a chance to heal.
Well that is how it is going so far please come again and have a pawariffic day :)
Simply Superb Dog
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Mommy To The Rescue
So I have been going to a local shelter adoption and viewing their dogs for a couple of weeks now. I found our match it is a Maltese mix. Temperament looks good also may be potty trained as he did not go in the place that he was in. Maltese are good with other animals and children. Will need to make sure my youngest knows to be gentle with him though. They are said to be easy to train. I plan to start basic positive obedience training right away. I am also going to try and work on scent training with the Maltese this is the main reason why I am getting detect low blood sugars. He will be my 4 year old's dog. I have a lot of work ahead of me and pray that it is successful.
We bring our furry friend home tomorrow. We shall see how it goes. He is so adorable me and my little man can't wait to bring him home. Praying Mr. Maltese mix :) will get along with my other two dogs and they will get along with him.
I will share pictures and his name soon and continue to share our journey.
Hope you have a PAWrific day!:)
Simply Superb Dogs
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
In A Animal Shelter, Could Be Your "Perfect Match"
I decided to change the name to this blog from, Simply "At Your Service" Dogs to Simply Superb Dogs. I want this to be ALL dog related. I will share our journey as well as anything I find helpful to help our dogs be the best they can help us silly humans :) Dogs really can be amazing...another one of G-d's awesome creations!
At this point I am looking to rescue a dog or puppy from a shelter. If you are looking for a new pet or working dog. I would highly recommend looking into dogs that are in shelters. If for a working dog I recommend seeking some extra help in choosing a dog from the shelter. Shelter dogs are not all bad. Some were pets and got lost and you can pretty much tell the healthy ones from the non healthy ones by the way they act. Either way you might just be that helping hand that they need and they might end up being your helping hand(paw:) Many shelters have an adoption program when you adopt before they hand them over they give shots, sterilization, and neutering, all for a very low cost. Many dog shelters get full so quickly and their fate doesn't look so good. Go ahead check your local shelter out...your match might be closer to you thing you think :)
Right now I have my eye on a small dog not sure the age. I plan to go see him today. Next post will more than likely be about how it goes :)
Hope you are having a pawrific day :) and thank you for stopping by....
Simply Superb Dogs
Monday, April 30, 2012
Welcome to Simply "At Your Service" dogs. This a place for me to journal my journey in seeking a service dog for my diabetic son. Bumpy roads, wrong turns and hopefully some right turns along the way. Learning from my mistakes on going the wrong routes and then taking some right ones. Hope by sharing you will learn too. I will share every thing I learn and everything I look into, everything service dogs, dog training, and well anything that peaks my interest about dogs. My next post will be about a mistake I made in choosing an organization to get a diabetic alert dog for my son. OK well maybe a few mistakes...may we all learn and grow together as we seek that special service dog and companion. I still believe G-d brings us angels with four legs :)
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