Sunday, October 7, 2012

Frosty Goes Camping

I wish I could say our camping trip was a great success with Frosty. I really exspected him to do a lot better. He very much had his guard dog on. Barking and such at famlies around us and at another dog. He was pretty much good and quiet in the tent but when out, attack mode. A reminder that we really MUST work with him every single day. A reminder that things don't just happen over night that they take time and work. These dogs are worth the work and time, when we got home he alerted to some high BG's that my little man had. He put his sweet attentive dog on and does this often. Since there is still much work to be done he does NOT have the title of a service dog. I need at least two good years with him before I can even see if he can have that title. Though I can say he is a diabetic alert dog because he does alert to high and low bg's. Even so there is still need of work in that area as well. So got to come up with a plan. Maybe watch a training video every day. Take Frosy out to friends and family more. Continue to focus on turn off the guard dog in him if that is possible. There is other work to be done in training in obediance and such. But this is the greatest need so this is where my focus is. A good thing is often a hard road, we must learn to persevere so thanks for stopping by Simply Superb Dogs as I hang on, continue to move forward and grow and learn with Frosty the Snow Dog.

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