Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Are You There

We are still here :) It has been a while since I posted! Things are going good with our Frosty. Things we were working on he has now gotten better and Frosty continues to stick by my little guys side.
One of the issues Frosty had before is that he would guard my little guys food. Would make sure everyone would "leave it" (even empty plates at times) but would jump at the chance to NOT "leave it" himself like if my little guy would walk away from his food. Now he does so much better in that area. I often can walk up to my son when he has his plate and Frosty doesn't act all possessive of his food or plate. He still has his days but not nearly as much.
Frosty continues to be a superb dog as he sticks by my now 7 year old son who has T1 diabetes. Where ever my son is he is usually close by. In fact when my son is not there, Frosty will whine for him. This past summer we went on a vacation without Frosty. Frosty stayed home with my husband. He whined and whined for my little guy. He missed his bud.
Here is a picture of Frosty looking for his best bud. I had come home without my little guy which was unusual. He was visiting some friends. Frosty just kept looking and waiting for his bud to come through the door. Frosty was disappointed. LOL
Hope you enjoyed my update and hope to share many more posts as I get back to sharing and training. Thanks for stopping by Simply Superb Dog :)

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