Sunday, February 10, 2013

What I Learned Today During Frosty's Training Session

The kind of treats and hand gestures do make a difference. This morning I was trying to get Frosty to "lay down" and he just wouldn't do it. I got him to do it once before a few days ago but couldn't seem to get him to do it this morning. I remember hearing from various trainers to change up the treats. Also to use some favorites for harder tricks. I guess this one was a harder trick for Frosty or he just didn't care to do that one. Anyway I bought some other treats. Then started working with Frosty again. He still didn't seem to get it but did seem much more eager. Then I held my hand different than previous times. Kind like how you hold your hand for the game, rock paper scissors. I brought my hand down and said "lay down" and he did it, he did it. LOL I now know what his sign for lay down is. We did that over and over again and even did some "roll overs". I also learned to spread out the training session or else they will be like what ever. With full bellies of treats they just aren't going to work so hard and will lose interest. Well that is all for today. Frosty had a busy day of alerting and training. Time for bed :)

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